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Without the 3Bs I would have been completely lost and I am forever grateful for their support and running the Rainbow Club. The 3Bs have always been there for me to talk to at any time and have welcomed us with open arms, they've provided a safe place for my children to enjoy playing with other children going through the same struggles as them and the peace Garden is the perfect place that they created to remember all of our babies. Thank you so much for your support. Blossom's Mummy

- Georgia Buckingham

Before going to the 3bs group I actually visited the peace Garden. Julie had put plants down there for all of the families to collect with our babies names on. It was wonderful to walk in somewhere and have my baby was accepted, proudly displayed and remembered. I then went to the pumpkin carving which was just such an amazing night, we all sat round carving pumpkins in memory of our babies talking with other families who knew the pain and heartbreak I was feeling. I was accepted for every emotion I felt, there was no judgement, no awkward silences or horrific questions. Just families sharing their pain and being there for each other. Julie has created a place of safety for us to feel how we need to feel, talk about it if we wish, or cry when you can physically feel your heart breaking all over again. We now attend quite a few of her family friendly events such as bauble bauble decorating at Christmas. My boys love to remember their baby brother, and people often forget that children suffer this loss to. She will always be someone I'm eternally grateful to and I hope one day to help as many families as she has. Finley James' Mummy

- Georgie Vincent

The 3B's group helped us because when we lost our little girl it felt like our whole world fell apart and we were alone, but when we met Julie and were introduced to Nikki & Paul, Leah and a few others and heard their stories, it made us feel less alone, understod and that it's ok to talk about our angels. Abigail River's Mummy

- Mary Hewitt

I first started attending the 3Bs support group four weeks after my daughter died. I had no idea what to expect, but felt I had nothing to lose by going once - and I’m so glad that I did. Being in a room with people who knew exactly what I was going through was more than a comfort, it was a lifeline. I attended every month where I could, always looking forward to the safe space in which I could discuss my precious baby without fear of judgement or pity, instead surrounded by warmth and compassion. Because of the people I met in group (including my very best friend) and the support I have received, the 3Bs has become a natural part of my everyday life and I genuinely don’t know how I would have managed without it. Ella's Mummy

- Leah Palmer

3 Bs, for me, has been instrumental in helping me adapt to a life that will always be filled with grief. It is a place where my girls are always, and will always be, at the forefront of everyone's mind, and that means everything. Rudy & Aurora's Daddy

- Paul Dolden

I went to school with Julies girls and was completely unaware of the pain that she had endured losing Joseph until I lost my little girl Lois at term aswell. It then all made sense - why she works so tirelessly to support families like my own going through the never ending road that is babyloss. Julie is such a kind, sweet and selfless lady, who gives so much of herself in her group the 3Bs and to our rainbow babies. I have been to a few support groups and they are so comforting. I never felt pressured into sharing Lois’ story - especially early on but I felt comfortable enough to do so and my story and my journey was heard. It’s a safe place where I could have ‘my Lois time’ in the earlier days - it was a lifeline and to be honest, Julie still is a massive support to me now - 5 years on. I have severe anxiety with putting Lois’ little brother into a nursery setting but with the rainbow toddler group that Julie runs on a friday once a month, Freddie has the chance to socialise with other little ones and I know Julie will always look after him. Julie is my trusted space - someone I can confide in and when you join the babyloss community, those places are rare! Thankyou Julie for everything you have done for me and my babies. Lois's Mummy

- Stacey Alliston

The 3B's support group has been my lifeline since losing my 2 daughters, I say all the time that I don't think I would have survived it once, nevermind twice without the support from Julie & Dianne. I was able to talk about my girls as if they still exist, even now, the group is the only place they're still alive. Everybody else has moved on with their lives and I am still stuck in the time where my daughters died, the group makes them feel relevent in the present and not just in the past. I have met my best friend at the support group, our situations are so similar and now my life is filled with people who understand what I went through and am still going through everyday. Rudy & Aurora's mummy

- Nikki Dolden